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With RDP Custom Fly Rods, I want to make sure my customers get the same high quality fly rods I’d use, so I’ve taken special care to source the parts for each rod.
My custom fly rods are made from an exclusive IM6 graphite blank, full flex, with a medium-fast action, in a tiger eye brown color. This blank is very light and strong. It will handle even the biggest fish and feel the smallest ones. An extra tip of the same model as the blank can be added as an additional purchase.
I use Densiwood for the reel seat inserts, which is a resin impregnated wood to make them more resistant to temperature and moisture damage, available in walnut or rosewood. Untreated wood inserts run the risk of cracking and expanding, which Densiwood helps prevent. Alternate wood inserts are available for an additional charge.
The reel seats are available in chrome, gold or black. Likewise, the snake eye guides are stainless steel with a chrome, gold, or black finish, or silver nickel for a $30 additional charge.
I have hundreds of threads and colors available to choose from, including metallic threads. Each rod can also be personalized with a name or short message, at no extra cost.
Make Your Own Kit
Custom fly rod kits include a blank of your choice, eyes of your choice, a reel seat and insert, a cork grip, rubber winding check, and I will supply you with a list of sizes for the eye placements.
My goal is to provide my customers with a unique fly rod that they can use for years to come, so if there’s an option you’re curious about but don’t see here, please send me an email.
Ready to reel in the big one?
If you’re curious about fly fishing but aren’t familiar with the terms or how a fly rod is different from a typical fishing rod, the information on this page is meant to help you get started. To help make your journey into fly fishing a bit easier, I’ve included some basic definitions for common terms and the various parts of fly rods you’ll encounter on this site. This is by no means everything to know about fly fishing, but I hope it helps you maintain your interest in the sport!
Very simply, the fly is the artificial bait used to catch the fish. There are a variety of different flies and styles, each meant to mimic a specific insect at various stages of its life to better attract the preferred fish.
The flexibility of the rod. Fast action rods are the stiffest, useful in windy conditions or while using larger flies. Medium action rods are more flexible, typically used in freshwater fishing. Slow action rods are the most flexible, and need the lightest flies.
The thickness of the line. The higher the weight, the heavier the line. High weight lines are useful for catching big fish in larger bodies of water, including saltwater. Low weight lines are less disruptive to the water surface, and have a much lower risk of scaring away the fish.
The actual rod, typically divided into pieces depending on the overall length. The blank is dependent on the line weight you plan to use, so a low weight line won't need as heavy a blank.
The handle of the rod. Typically made of cork, these come in two varieties: half wells and full wells.
A full wells grip is wide at both ends, and allows for a firmer grip, good for high weight. A half wells is tapered at one end, for better sensitivity.
The reel holds the fly line that is being used, and like the rod, has to be an appropriate fit for the weight of the line. Unlike the reel on common fishing rods, the reel sits below the handle on the rod, instead of above it.
Fly line is flexible tensile cord that is wound through the reel and threaded through the guides up to the tip. It comes in various weights. Fix one of your homemade lures to the end to hook that big fish you've been dreaming of!
Where the reel attaches to the rod, below the grip.
The end of the rod opposite the handle, it can be much more flexible than the rest of the rod, and has a large impact on the rod’s action.
Often called snake guides or snake eyes because of their shape. These are metal loops along the length of the rod that hold the line straight, allowing for efficient and accurate casting while minimizing friction on the line.
The guide at the tip of the rod; it’s a full circle instead of the snake shape used by the other guides.